What's the average hourly rate for a graphic designer?

What's the average hourly rate for a graphic designer?

Try thinking and calculating the other way around:

  1. How much do you need as a yearly income to be happy with your life ?
  2. How much money would you put aside for any unfortunate situations ?
  3. How much would you be paying as taxes or benefitting as deductions ?
  4. What costs do you expect for being able to do your job, professionally ?
  5. How many hours do you think you'll be working per day >; week >; year ?
  6. How many of those hours do you think you'll be able to invoice ?

You do the math:
+ 2 + 3 + 4 = your estimated gross income;
divide by 6, and you know your average rate !
Now you know which kind of clients you need.
Happy hunting !

What's that number 5 ?
Don't underestimate how many time and effort goes into stuff like studying, research, commuting, promotion, acquisition, managing, paper work, accounting, invoicing, bookkeeping...

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