Are there any helpful tips for using the clone tool in Adobe Photoshop?

Are there any helpful tips for using the clone tool in Adobe Photoshop?

Why do users always think that developers try to hide or obfuscate a feature, as if it's some kind of a Magic &; Mystery Show, requiring a box of tricks, years of training, and inside information to work with ?

Okay okay, I know, sometimes developers actually do deliver difficult features or ruin it by slapping incomprehensible interfaces onto it, inadvertently... But most of the time most features are well-documented, just like the Clone Stamp tool.

Adobe Help: Retouch and repair photos

Take good notion of the extra options offered by the Clone Source panel, to reflect, rotate, or scale the cloned area.

And one personal tip: if you're cloning an area consisting of an edge between two objects or materials, simply clone that edge – not the two separate objects or materials. I often see users painstakingly cloning one side of an edge, and then the other side, while they just could lift a whole clone area of the edge (plus adjacent objects or materials) at once !

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst op Quora: Are there any helpful tips or secrets to using the clone tool in Adobe Photoshop?"