How can I improve the design of my website?

How can I improve the design of my website?

Maybe you should consider replacing it all with a big Google Maps button... ;-)

But seriously, the layout is under par. At the desktop it starts looking clean and all, but what I'm eventually looking for (as a user) should end up front-and-center, and not just as a sliver at the bottom of my viewport.

On mobile, it's also a parade of ads and panels shoving up and down. I'm afraid I can't conclude any better than that this all is just a typical attempt to become another useless vehicle for ads and all.

And why the name "Map of Distance" while you're quick to show and mention that there are many other kinds of information also available ?

BTW, this About text won't be read at all, because it's toooooo wiiiiiiide and boring...

Finally: what's that blurry line under the logo at the left ? It's too small to see...

Ah, there it is !

Well, I'd say "Design your UX and visuals wisely".

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