How do you get Adobe Illustrator for free?

How do you get Adobe Illustrator for free?

Dear Mr. Joseph Fabian, thanks for asking.
Or actually – not so thankfully. Because you've caught me in a bad mood. You're going to be the victim of my temper...

How on Earth, can you as a self-acclaimed "IT Specialist" assume that such a software would be free ? And with already 12 answers to this question available (with most of them stating exactly what's going on) how dare you think that there's still a remote possibility of obtaining such software for free (if not illegal) ? Is it laziness ? Is it a downright naive perception of the software world ? Is it your masochistic tendency to tease me with this question, or yourself with my answer ?

Be sensible, please.

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst op Quora: How do you get Adobe Illustrator for free?"