I can't decide if I need a 2-in1, laptop, or Chromebook for work

I can't decide if I need a 2-in1, laptop, or Chromebook for work

Oh well, the Chromebook is a no-go anyway, unless you're considering leaving the Adobe applications and go for simple online (web) apps.

But if you can't decide, how the hell should I know, without having more info. I don't know what your actual work is, what your maximum budget is, and what else you want to do with it.

I'm personally very eager to try using such a Microsoft Surface Book for a change (a powerful notebook/tablet hybrid), but I wouldn't dare or be able to trust my 1 TB and 30 years of a MacFreak's life's collection of digital media and correspondence on it...

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst op Quora: I can't decide if I need a 2-in1, laptop, or Chromebook for work. I currently use Microsoft Office, Dropbox, and Adobe Creative Cloud to do my work. What would you suggest?"