What are the top 5 essential shortcuts to know in Adobe Photoshop?

What are the top 5 essential shortcuts to know in Adobe Photoshop?

Ha ! Isn't that funny ? Or should I say: obvious ?
Everyone mentions different essential shortcuts !

Since there are a couple of 1000 shortcuts to be found in Photoshop, I'll stick with the 5 shortcuts which are essential to me, when masking images. Nope, not the Select &; Mask feature (which is just brilliant, BTW), but the Quick &; DirtyQuickMask which has been in Photoshop for 25 years already...

First, prepare a rough selection (in various ways).

  1. To refine it, enter QuickMask mode: Q (also exit)
  2. Pick up the Brush tool and set it to B/W: B and D
  3. Reduce or enlarge its size: [ and ]
  4. Soften or harden its edge: Shift [ and Shift ]
  5. Switch between Add and Subtract to selection: X

Cheers !

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