What is the easiest way to make a website using Adobe Tools?

What is the easiest way to make a website using Adobe Tools?

Ssshh... listen... do you hear the wind blowing ? The deafening silence ? The absent "Pinggg" of incoming answers, no rattling sound of keyboards typing lengthy replies ? If you listen very carefully, you might hear the fading echo of a howling Muse, or the distant buzz of a DreamWeaver's spinning wheel. But for the rest, it's awfully quiet in the Adobe fields...

Seriously now, there are some auxiliary Adobe tools of importance to making websites. For images, you probably find Photoshop and Illustrator helpful, although there are simpler alternatives. Spark Page can push a one-pager online, while Spark Post puts out fancy social media imagery in a breeze. And in case you're only concerned about the design of a website (not the production) you'll definitely want to give Adobe XD a try.

But if you need to build a website, then you have to look for other tools.

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