What's the smartest way to style a notifications button with pure CSS?

What's the smartest way to style a notifications button with pure CSS?

The smart" is not in the technology of the styling (pure CSS is smart enough) but the perceived mental micro-system behind it. What do I mean by that ? Buttons like these always pose this problem of purpose. Does the button merely serve as a signifier for an available action or does it also need to reflect the current status ? And what feedback does the button offer after clicking ?

Check marks, highlight colors, sliding switches, roll-overs – they often seem to fail to communicate a clear and unambiguous message. There always remains a need for some instructive or descriptive text (which users probably won't read).

Maybe this animation of Quora's own Notifications options helps:

So make up your mind about what the user might understand from your design of not just the button but the whole screen or panel it is part of.

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